MsgLog8 = Copyright ⌐ 2003 PC Tools. All rights reserved.
MsgLog9 = Legal Notice
MsgLog10 = Click to go back
MsgLog11 = Generated on
MsgLogS1 = Scan Results:
MsgLogS2 = scan start:
MsgLogS3 = scan stop:
MsgLogS4 = scanned items:
MsgLogS5 = found items:
MsgLogS6 = found and ignored:
MsgLogS7 = tools used:
MsgLogS8 = Infection Name
MsgLogS9 = Location
MsgLogS10 = Risk
MsgLogS101 = Tool
MsgLogS11 = Removed / Quarantined Infections:
MsgLogS12 = Removed Infection
MsgLogS13 = Related To
MsgLogS14 = Removed
MsgLogS15 = Quarantined
MsgLogM1 = Version
MsgLogM2 = Database Version
MsgLogM3 = Database Last Updated
MsgLogM4 = Signatures In The Database
MsgLogM5 = Last Scan Performed On
MsgLogM6 = Total Number Of Scans
MsgLogM7 = OnGuard Is Now
MsgLogM8 = OnGuard Tools Running:
MsgLogM9 = User Name
MsgLogM11 = Program Path
MsgLogM12 = Program Language
MsgLogM13 = Runs At Startup
MsgLogM14 = Auto Quarantine
MsgLogM15 = Delete After Restore
MsgLogM16 = Clear Log On Exit
MsgLogM17 = Clear Log Directory When It Exceeds Specified Size
MsgLogM18 = Maximum Log Directory Size (MB)
MsgLogM19 = Log Ignored Problems
MsgLogM20 = Startup Action
MsgLogM21 = On Startup Clean Problems Automatically
MsgLogM22 = Exit After Startup Scan
MsgLogM23 = Show Scan Results After Startup Scan
MsgLogM24 = Auto Smart Update
MsgLogM25 = Ignored Items
MsgLogM26 = Program Settings
MsgLU1 = Please click Next to download the list of available updates.
MsgLU2 = Getting the list of updates.
MsgLU3 = Download progress:
MsgLU4 = Error downloading the list of updates. Please try again later.
MsgLU5 = %d bytes
MsgLU6 = %d.%d Kb
MsgLU7 = %d Mb
MsgLU8 = Please select the updates you want to install and then click Next.
MsgLU9 = Complete
MsgLU10 = Failed
MsgLU11 = Finish
MsgLU12 = Applying updates...
MsgLU13 = Skipped
MsgLU14 = Ready. Click Finish to exit Smart Update.
MsgLU15 = %s left
MsgLU16 = Your database is up-to-date. Please click Finish to exit Smart Update.
MsgLU17 = Upgraded
MsgLU18 = Failed
MsgLU19 = Sorry your subscription has expired, please renew your subscription to continue receiving updates.
MsgLU20 = The subscription status is invalid. Please contact support.
MsgLU21 = No current subscription located. Please register or renew your subscription to access smart updates. If you believe you already have a current subscription, please contact PC Tools Support for assistance.
MsgLU22 = To update the "%s" component, "%s" must be closed. Would you like to continue with this update now?
MsgLU23 = Kill Task Error: "%s".
HintSkinButtonStatus = Displays Spyware Doctor's status, including system scan results and reference files.
HintSkinButtonStartScan = Allows you to start scanning your system using the Quick Scan, Full System Scan or Custom Scan functions.
HintSkinButtonOnGuard = Here you can control every aspect of the OnGuard feature, which allows you to protect your computer in real-time.
HintSkinButtonTools = Select from multiple tools that extend Spyware Doctor's functionality.
HintSkinButtonSettings = Allows you to tune all available aspects of Spyware Doctor.
HintsbRegisterNow = Click this button to upgrade to the registered version.
ListViewProblemsCol0 = Infection
ListViewProblemsCol1 = Tool
ListViewProblemsCol2 = Description
ListViewProblemsCol3 = Location
ListViewQFilesCol0 = Quarantine File
ListViewQFilesCol1 = Creation Date
ListViewQFilesCol2 = Creation Time
ListViewQItemsCol0 = Quarantine Infection
ListViewIgnoreCol0 = Infection
ListViewIgnoreCol1 = Description
ListViewDetailsCol0 = Item
ListViewDetailsCol1 = Value
ListViewIncentivesCol0 = Infection
ListViewIncentivesCol1 = Location
ListViewIncentivesCol2 = Risk Type
ListViewIncentivesCol3 = Description
MsgLang = en
HelpFileName = eng-sdhelp.chm
Msg1 = Error importing the database entries
Msg2 = Error in parameters
Msg3 = Home Page for %s
Msg4 = Visit Home Page of %s
Msg5 = %s is not found. Running a Smart Update may solve the problem.
Msg6 = Infections detected: %d
Msg7 = Edit
Msg8 = No infections have been selected for quarantine or removal. Are you sure you would like to continue?
Msg9 = Processing %s
Msg10 = Below is the results summary. Click OK to continue.
Msg11 = Infections removed: %d
Msg12 = Infections not removed: %d
Msg13 = Infections quarantined: %d
Msg14 = Infections not quarantined: %d
Msg15 = The selected infections will be placed into the Ignore List and removed from this list. Continue?
Msg16 = error opening file
Msg17 = Quarantined files: %d
Msg18 = Remove %d selected quarantine file(s)?
Msg19 = Error removing the file %s.
Msg20 = Restored %d infection(s) out of %d
Msg21 = Error loading quarantine file.
Msg22 = Found %d invalid quarantine entries which were removed from the database.
Msg23 = Quarantined infection(s): %d
Msg24 = No infections are selected. Please check the infections you want to be restored and try again.
Msg25 = %d infection(s) will be restored. Continue?
Msg26 = Restored %d infection(s) out of %d
Msg27 = Register %s
Msg28 = Congratulations! %s has been successfully registered. Enjoy the full version!
Msg29 = You have entered an invalid user name or license code. Please try again.
Msg30 = Exit
Msg31 = Trial period has expired.
Msg32 = You have used Spyware Doctor for %d days out of %d
Msg33 = Stop Scan
Msg34 = Scan started. Scan type: %s.
Msg35 = Start Scan
Msg36 = clean
Msg37 = found %d infection(s)
Msg39 = Alert! Scan is now over. Found %d infections. Click on the %s icon to see the scan results.
Msg41 = Use this category to customize general settings, including scanning, infection removal, popup alert and language options.
Msg42 = Here you can customize Spyware Doctor's logging features, including the maximum log directory size.
Msg43 = Use this category to specify startup behavior. You can set Spyware Doctor to scan your computer every time Windows starts up.
Msg44 = Use this category to change important Smart Update parameters.
Msg45 = Browse for a new log directory.
Msg46 = Would you like to set the options on this page to their default values?
Msg47 = Remove all the log files?
Msg48 = Would you like to reset the System Scan Status information?
Msg49 = never
Msg50 = none
Msg51 = ON
Msg52 = OFF
Msg53 = (no tool selected)
Msg54 = Remove tool %s (this will also remove the tool file)?
Msg55 = You are about to write the log to %s. This file already exists. Rewrite it?
Msg56 = The log file was moved to the new location: %s.
Msg57 = In order to repair %s, Spyware Doctor must terminate the %s process. Repair this infection now?
Msg58 = Version %s
Msg60 = not registered
Msg61 = Total infections: %d
Msg62 = %d infection(s) will be removed from the ignore list. Continue?
Msg63 = Log file is not created
Msg64 = You cannot remove high-risk and/or medium-risk infections in this unregistered version. Please register and try again. Would you like to register now?
Msg65 = Medium
Msg66 = Elevated
Msg67 = High
Msg68 = Checking...
Msg69 = Invalid
Msg70 = Expired
Msg72 = Active until %s
Msg72a = Active
Msg74 = <b>Your subscription will expire in %d days.</b><br>To ensure continued protection against new spyware and malware threats please renew your subscription now.
Msg74a = <b>Your subscription will expire tomorrow.</b><br>To ensure continued protection against new spyware and malware threats please renew your subscription now.
Msg74b = <b>Your subscription will expire in %d day.</b><br>To ensure continued protection against new spyware and malware threats please renew your subscription now.
Msg77 = unknown
Msg78 = This license has been disabled. Would you like to contact support for more information?
Msg79 = %d item(s) could not be removed. They will be removed next time you restart Windows. When Windows restarts, please ensure you are logged in with local administrator privileges.
Msg80 = Interrupted
Msg81 = No infections have been selected for repair. Do you want to continue?
Msg82 = OnGuard provides real-time protection for your PC against spyware and other infections. Activate OnGuard now? (recommended)
Msg83 = OnGuard protection is now active! When a spyware program or cookie is detected and removed, you will see a popup notification window in the system tray.
Msg84 = Enhanced program features require a licensed version of Spyware Doctor.
Msg86 = Preparing to scan...
Msg87 = To purchase Spyware Doctor, please click Purchase Online. Registered users, please enter your registration and license details below to activate the full version.
Msg88 = Warning! You may have other serious infections on your PC! To increase the effectiveness of Spyware Doctor, please register now to access Smart Updates, which includes detection and protection for the latest privacy infections, or press Continue to repair the detected infections.
Msg89 = <b><font color=red>Your subscription has expired.</font></b><br>Your computer is now AT RISK from new spyware and malware threats. Please click "Yes" to renew your subscription now!
Msg90 = Run a Quick Scan for a faster scan of your system. This scan is recommended for everyday use. However, you should run a Full System Scan regularly for a more comprehensive scan.
Msg91 = Run a Full System Scan to perform a comprehensive scan of your system, which includes deep registry and file system scanning. Use this option regularly for an in-depth analysis of your system.
Msg92 = Use Custom Scan to specify which scanners should be used to scan your computer. Custom scan can also be used at startup.
Msg93 = Select All
Msg94 = Clear Selection
Msg95 = %s has detected that the database is incompatible with Spyware Doctor. The database can be used only with the newer version of Spyware Doctor. Please use Smart Update to update Spyware Doctor.%sProgram version: %s%sDatabase version: %s
Msg96 = Low
Msg97 = Info & PUAs
Msg101 = Please enter your name.
Msg102 = Please provide a valid e-mail address.
Msg103 = Please type in your question.
Msg104 = Your message has been received. Support will contact you shortly if a reply is required.
Msg105 = Sending data...
Msg106 = You have made changes to the settings on this page. Would you like to apply the settings now?
Msg107 = Settings changes were successfully applied.
Msg108 = current log
Msg109 = This will remove the log "%s". Continue?
Msg110 = You need to have Winsock version 2.0 installed on your computer. Please refer to the users manual -> Introduction -> System Requirements section for information on how to download and install Winsock 2.0.
Msg112 = Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher must be installed on your computer in order to view correctly formatted log files.
Msg113 = One or more active infections were removed from memory. To ensure system stability, Spyware Doctor must now restart Windows. Please save your work and close any running applications, then click OK to reboot.
Msg114 = Operating System
Msg115 = Number of Processors
Msg116 = single CPU
Msg117 = Total Physical Memory
Msg118 = Available Physical Memory
Msg119 = Memory Utilization
Msg120 = Logged in as
Msg121 = Incorrect log directory size specified. Default value restored.
Msg122 = OnGuard Protection
Msg123 = Register now for real-time OnGuard protection
Msg124 = error
Msg125 = disabled
Msg126 = Infections
Msg151 = No contents
Msg152 = Missing customer details or ticket number
Msg153 = Invalid ticket
Msg154 = Invalid customer
Msg155 = Message error
Msg156 = Storing attachment
Msg171 = Copyright ⌐ 2003 PC Tools. All rights reserved.
Msg172 = About
Msg173 = Hint
Msg174 = %s (%d intelli-signatures)
Msg190 = Setting debug privileges...
Msg191 = Loading the database...
Msg192 = Loading monitors...
Msg193 = Starting application...
Msg194 = Starting application...
Msg195 = Starting application...
Msg196 = New updates are available. Would you like to run Smart Update now?
Msg200 = You have entered an invalid user name or activation code. Please try again.
Msg201 = Activate Now...
Msg202 = Activation
Msg203 = Real-time protection will not be available until Spyware Doctor is activated. Activate now?
Msg211 = Invalid activation code.
Msg212 = You cannot use this activation code as it is already in use.
Msg213 = Unknown error.
Msg214 = You have used the "%s" symbol, which is not allowed.
Msg215 = You cannot use this activation code as it has been suspended.
Msg216 = You cannot activate Spyware Doctor at this time as there is a problem with your Internet connection. You will need to restore your Internet connection before activating this product.
Msg217 = Invalid e-mail address.
Msg220 = You need to install a newer version of the Common Controls DLL (ComCtl32.dll version 4.71 or greater) to run Spyware Doctor. Please see the System Requirements section of the Help for further information.
Msg225 = To upgrade to the licensed version, please click Upgrade Online or click Continue to access the current version. Registered users, please enter your registration and license details below to activate the licensed version.
Msg226 = Upgrade Online
Msg227 = Warning - %d infections were not fixed in the trial version and may require immediate repair. Register now to remove all detected infections.
Msg228 = Advanced Infections
Msg229 = Spyware Doctor Version:
Msg230 = OnGuard Status:
Msg231 = Some infections could not be removed. Please log on with local administrator privileges and re-scan.
Msg232 = Disabled license
Msg233 = Expired subscription
Msg234 = Subscription reminder
Msg235 = New Updates Available
Msg236 = Alert
Msg237 = One or more very high level infections were removed from memory. To ensure system stability, Spyware Doctor must now perform an emergency restart. Please save your work and close any running applications, then click OK to restart.
Msg238 = Reboot Scan
Msg239 = Spyware Doctor is scanning your system, this may take a few moments.
Msg240 = Use this category to customize Internet connection settings, such as Proxy Server settings.
Msg241 = The Proxy Server and Proxy Port settings must be complete to use a Proxy Server connection.
Msg242 = The Proxy Port value must be numeric. Please re-enter a valid Proxy Port number.
Msg243 = Username must be set when using Proxy Authentication.
Msg244 = Spyware Doctor has reset your Proxy Password as it had been tampered with. Please enter a new password.
Msg245 = Version is Current
Msg246 = Database %d days old
Msg247 = Product %d days old
Msg248 = Last Scan %d days ago
Msg249 = Last Update %d days ago
Msg250 = Subscription Expires in %d days
Msg251 = Invalid License
Msg252 = Trial Subscription
Msg253 = Subscription Expired
Msg254 = Version is Current
Msg255 = New Version Available
Msg256 = Product Version: %s
Msg257 = Database Version: %s
Msg258 = Intelli-Signatures: %s
Msg259 = Last Scan: %s
Msg260 = Use this category to manage quarantined threats.
Msg261 = This item requires your urgent attention.
Msg262 = This item requires your urgent attention.
Msg266 = Use this category to manage allowed domains for scanners and OnGuard tools.
Msg267 = Are you sure you want to clear the list of allowed domains?
Msg268 = Are you sure you want to remove the selected domains from the list of allowed domains?
Msg269 = Add a new allowed domain
Msg270 = Please enter a new allowed domain:
Msg271 = No Scan Run
Msg272 = No Update Run
Msg273 = Subscription Active
Msg274 = One or more non-infectious items require a Windows restart to be removed. These items will be removed upon next reboot.
Msg275 = Purchase
Msg276 = Subscription: Unregistered
Msg277 = Renew Now
Msg278 = Your subscription has now expired. Your PC is now at risk.
Msg279 = Purchase to remove detected infections from your computer.
Msg280 = These detected infections can only be removed in the registered version of Spyware Doctor:
Msg281 = Register Now
Msg282 = Register Later
Msg283 = Renew to remove detected infections from your computer.
Msg284 = Due to the evolving nature of threats it is not supported or recommended to attempt removal without the latest anti-spyware signatures, please renew your subscription and download the latest signatures to continue with the removal process.
Msg285 = Renew Now
Msg286 = Renew Later
Msg287 = Warning - %d infections were not fixed in the expired version and may require immediate repair. Renew now to remove all detected infections.
Msg288 = To purchase the program please click Register Now or click Continue to access the trial version.
Msg289 = To renew the program please click Renew Now or click Continue to access the expired version.
Msg290 = Your ignore list is corrupt and will be reset. Ignore list corruption is usually the result of threat activity and a full system scan is recommended.
Msg291 = Ignore List Error
Msg292 = System Restore
Msg293 = System Restore Point creation failed due to the following reason:
Msg294 = SRClient.dll is missing or corrupted.
Msg295 = System is running in Safe Mode.
Msg296 = Out of disk space.
Msg297 = Pending file-rename operations exist.
Msg298 = Internal error.
Msg299 = The sequence number is invalid.
Msg300 = System Restore is disabled.
Msg301 = Operation timed out.
Msg302 = Unknown error.
Msg303 = Service operation timed out.
Msg304 = Spyware Doctor cannot be started as it is already running. Please close all instances of Spyware Doctor running in all user accounts.
Msg305 = Spyware Doctor is unable to create a log file, possibly due to a permission problem. If the problem persists please try re-installing Spyware Doctor. %sError Details - %s
SS_DisplayName = Startup Scanner
SS_Author = PC Tools
SS_Desc = Scans Startup Locations
SS_Action = Complete scan of startup locations
SS_TypeRegistry = Registry
SS_TypeStartupFile = Startup File
SS_TypeBootFile = Boot File Entry
AS_DisplayName = ActiveX Scanner
AS_Author = PC Tools
AS_Desc = Browser Scanner
AS_Action = Complete scan for browser hijackers
AS_Msg05 = Scan known malicious GUIDs
AS_Msg06 = Scan unknown GUIDs
AS_Msg07 = Preparing ActiveX Map
BAS_DisplayName = Browser Activity Scanner
BAS_Author = PC Tools
BAS_Desc = Browser Activity Scanner
BAS_Action = Complete scan of Internet Explorer tracking cookies and temp files
BAS_Msg05 = Scanning cookie file: %s
BAS_Msg06 = Cookies (%s)
BAS_Msg07 = Scanning downloaded file: %s
BAS_Msg08 = Suspicious Internet Files
BAS_Msg09 = Scanning Cookie Remnant: %s
BAS_Msg10 = Remnant Cookies (%s)
BAS_Msg11 = cookies.txt - Line #
BS_DisplayName = Browser Defaults, Favorites and ZoneMap Scanner
BS_Author = PC Tools
BS_Desc = Browser Defaults, Favorites and ZoneMap Scanner
BS_Action = Browser Defaults, Favorites and ZoneMap Scanner
PS_DisplayName = Process Scanner
PS_Author = PC Tools
PS_Desc = Process Scanner
PS_Action = Complete scan of running processes
PS_Msg05 = Loading
RS_DisplayName = Registry Scanner
RS_Author = PC Tools
RS_Desc = Registry Scanner
RS_Action = Complete scan of system registry
LS_DisplayName = LSP Scanner
LS_Author = PC Tools
LS_Desc = Layered Service Provider scanner
LS_Action = Layered Service Provider scanner
GS_DisplayName = General Scanner
GS_Author = PC Tools
GS_Desc = General Scanner
GS_Action = Complete smart system scan
HS_DisplayName = Hosts file scanner
HS_Author = PC Tools
HS_Desc = Hosts file scanner
HS_Action = Hosts file scanner
DS_DisplayName = Disk Scanner
DS_Author = PC Tools
DS_Desc = Disk Scanner
DS_Action1 = Scan of system folders and known files
DS_Action2 = Complete scan of all fixed drives
DS_Msg1 = This item is already on the list.
DS_Msg2 = Remove the item "%s"?
DS_Msg3 = This will clear the list of exclusions. Continue?
DS_Msg4 = Select a directory:
MD_DisplayName = Malware Detective
MD_Author = Copyright ⌐ 2003 PC Tools. All rights reserved.
MD_Desc = The Malware Detective collects information about your system, and is only required when troubleshooting specific problems.
MD_Msg1 = Next
MD_Msg2 = Reading process list and its details.
MD_Msg3 = Current process -
MD_Msg4 = Auto Loading Programs.
MD_Msg5 = AppInit_DLLs Key.
MD_Msg6 = Uninstall Programs List.
MD_Msg7 = Shared Task Scheduler.
MD_Msg8 = Shell Service Object Delay Load.
MD_Msg9 = User Style Sheets.
MD_Msg10 = Restore IE Default Settings.
MD_Msg11 = __NS_Service_3 Service.
MD_Msg12 = Directories content.
MD_Msg13 = Start Menu.
MD_Msg14 = Notify Locations.
MD_Msg15 = Name Server Hijack.
MD_Msg16 = Browser Helper Objects.
MD_Msg17 = IE Explorer Tool Bars.
MD_Msg18 = IE Explorer Bars.
MD_Msg19 = IE Start/Search Pages.
MD_Msg20 = System files.
MD_Msg21 = Hosts redirection.
MD_Msg22 = System Information.
MD_Msg23 = Other details.
MD_Msg24 = Extra buttons on main IE button toolbar.
MD_Msg25 = IE Default Prefix hijack.
MD_Msg26 = IE Plug-Ins.
MD_Msg27 = Downloaded Program Files.
MD_Msg28 = Service List.
MD_Msg29 = Protocols & Protocol Filters.
MD_Msg30 = System Variables.
MD_Msg31 = Subfolders of %s.
MD_Msg32 = Trusted Zones.
MD_Msg33 = Layered Service Providers.
MD_Msg34 = NameSpace Catalog.
MD_Msg35 = Advanced Options.
MD_Msg36 = Extra items in IE right.
MD_Msg37 = Distribution Units.
MD_Err1 = ERROR: Cannot create log file. Reason -
MD_Err2 = ERROR: Cannot create log row. Reason -
SDN_DisplayName = Spyware Doctor Network
SDN_Author = PC Tools
SDN_Desc = Spyware Doctor Network suspicious file capture tool. Click "Run Tool" to configure Spyware Doctor Network.
SDN_MsgSubmitInfo = Suspicious Files Detected
SDN_MsgSubmitPrompt = Would you like Spyware Doctor to submit these to PC Tools for further investigation?
SDN_MsgEnabled = ENABLED
SDN_MsgDisabled = DISABLED
CG_DisplayName = Cookie Guard
CG_Author = PC Tools
CG_Desc = Cookie Guard
CG_Msg2 = Check complete. Removed: %d cookies.
CG_Msg4 = Last Scan:
CG_Msg5 = Check complete. Removed: %d cookies.
CG_Msg6 = Deleted the following cookies:
CG_Msg7 = Removed %d cookies:
CG_Msg8 = Cookie Guard found and deleted %d cookie(s) from your computer. Go to OnGuard Tools|Cookie Guard to see details.
CG_Msg9 = No new malicious cookies detected.
CG_Msg10 = Currently automatic cookie check is OFF. Would you like to turn it on now?
CG_Msg11 = ON
CG_Msg12 = OFF
CG_Msg13 = Installed
CG_Msg14 = Not Installed
CG_Msg19 = This will delete the logs for installed browsers. Continue?
PG_MsgHiddenRootkit = Detected hidden process '%s' running on your computer.
PG_MsgRootkitRemoveNext = Would you like %s to delete it on next reboot?
PG_MsgActionBlocked = Blocked
PG_MsgActionSchedDelete = Delete on reboot
PG_MsgAction = Action
PG_MenuTxtAllowApp = Allow Application
SC_DisplayName = Scheduler
SC_Author = PC Tools
SC_Desc = Schedules Spyware Doctor to run scans of your system at regular intervals
SC_Msg1 = Never
SC_Msg2 = running
SC_Msg3 = not Running
SC_Msg4 = Unable to run scan because GetInterface returned a null IScheduledScanner.
SC_Msg5 = Please update Spyware Doctor to resolve this issue.
SC_Msg6 = Starting scheduled Full Scan
SC_Msg7 = Starting scheduled Quick Scan
SC_Msg8 = Starting scheduled Smart Update
SC_Msg9 = Not active
SC_Msg10 = Full Scan
SC_Msg11 = Every weekday
SC_Msg12 = Every day
SC_Msg13 = Every %d days
SC_Msg14 = of every week
SC_Msg15 = 1st day of every month
SC_Msg16 = 2nd day of every month
SC_Msg17 = 3rd day of every month
SC_Msg18 = th day of every month
SC_Msg19 = at
SC_Msg20 = if a threat is detected.
SC_Msg21 = Quick Scan
SC_Msg22 = Smart Update
SC_Msg23 = Update
SC_Msg24 = OnGuard is inactive
SC_MsgMon = Monday
SC_MsgTue = Tuesday
SC_MsgWed = Wednesday
SC_MsgThu = Thursday
SC_MsgFri = Friday
SC_MsgSat = Saturday
SC_MsgSun = Sunday
SC_MsgQ = Quarantine
SC_MsgR = Remove
SC_MsgP = Prompt me
BG_DisplayName = Browser Guard
BG_Author = Copyright (C) 2005 PC Tools Research
BG_Desc = Browser Guard
BG_Msg4 = BHO information:
BG_Msg5 = Class name:
BG_Msg6 = BHO DLL:
BG_Msg8 = No BHO is selected.
BG_Msg10 = Unregister this DLL?
BG_Msg11 = The BHO has been successfully unregistered.
BG_Msg12 = Detected a new BHO.
BG_Msg13 = This was unregistered.
BG_Msg14 = Name
BG_Msg15 = Description
BG_Msg21 = This object may not be unregistered because it is required by Spyware Doctor to protect you from popups and browser hijackers.
BG_Msg23 = Unregister this extension?
BG_Msg24 = Unknown
BG_Msg25 = Extension information:
BG_Msg26 = CLSID:
BG_Msg27 = Extension CLSID:
BG_Msg28 = Toolbar Button:
BG_Msg32 = Disabled prompts are now enabled.
BG_Msg33 = Prevented your homepage from being set to a suspected malicious entry.
BG_Msg34 = Prevented a suspected malicious entry from being written to
BG_Msg35 = OnGuard is inactive
BG_MsgIETB = Detected new IE Toolbar object
BG_MsgONCE = Once per Threat
BG_MsgEVERY = Every time
IM_DisplayName = Immunizer
IM_Author = PC Tools
IM_Desc = Immunizer
IM_Msg2 = running
IM_Msg3 = not running
IM_Msg4 = Your system is now immunized.
IM_Msg5 = Immunized %d ActiveX objects out of %d in the database. %d object(s) were already immunized.
IM_Msg6 = Restored %d ActiveX objects out of %d in the database.
IM_Msg7 = Do you really want to undo the immunization?
IM_Msg8 = Computer is not immunized. Click Immunize to protect your system.
IM_Msg9 = Immunized only against %d of %d malware. Click Immunize to protect your system.
IM_Msg10 = Your system is immunized.
IM_Msg11 = Warning: Your computer is now immunized against %d threats. New threats are being detected regularly! Please register now to access Smart Updates, which includes protection against the latest privacy threats.
IM_Msg12 = ON
IM_Msg13 = OFF
IM_Msg14 = (OnGuard is inactive)
SUG_DisplayName = Startup Guard
SUG_Author = PC Tools
SUG_Desc = Startup Guard
SUG_Msg2 = ON
SUG_Msg3 = OFF
SUG_Msg4 = Last Scan:
SUG_Msg5 = Check complete. Removed: %d problems.
SUG_Msg6 = Deleted the following problems:
SUG_Msg7 = Details:
SUG_Msg8 = Removed: %d problems. Select OnGuard|Startup Guard button to see details.
SUG_Msg9 = No new infections detected.
SUG_Msg10 = This will restore default settings. Proceed?
SUG_Msg11 = This will clear log. Proceed?
SUG_Msg12 = Found problem:
SUG_Msg13 = Description:
SUG_Msg14 = Location:
SUG_Msg15 = Problem has been deleted from registry key:
SUG_Msg16 = as value:
SUG_Msg17 = The following file has been deleted:
SUG_Msg18 = Problem has been removed from:
SUG_Msg19 = File has been renamed with "sd" extension.
SUG_Msg20 = (OnGuard is inactive)
SUG_Msg21 = Once per file
SUG_Msg22 = Every time
SUG_Msg23 = Could not remove %d problems.
SUG_Msg24 = Problem has not been removed from:
SG_DisplayName = Site Guard
SG_Author = PC Tools
SG_Desc = Site Guard
SG_Msg1a = Error starting Site Guard for
SG_Msg1b = Please reinstall and try again.
SG_Msg2 = Error stopping Site Guard for
SG_Msg3 = Access to this site has been blocked at your request.
SG_Msg4 = Access to this site has been blocked at your request.
SG_Msg5 = Download from a suspicious site has been blocked.
SG_Msg6 = Browser entered silent mode to block ActiveX installation from a suspicious site.
SG_Msg7 = running
SG_Msg8 = not running
SG_Msg9 = Error starting or stopping the selected tool.
SG_Msg35 = OnGuard is inactive
SG_MsgUPIE1 = %s requires Internet Explorer 5.5 or later.
SG_MsgUPIE2 = Please install a later version of Internet Explorer to use %s.
PB_DisplayName = Popup Blocker
PB_Author = PC Tools
PB_Desc = Popup Blocker
PB_Msg2 = running
PB_Msg3 = not running
PB_Msg16 = A popup has been blocked.
PB_Msg17 = Please select a domain to remove from the whitelist.
PB_Msg18 = Enter a domain to add to the whitelist:
PB_Msg19 = Please enter a valid domain name.
PB_Msg20 = Specified domain is already on the whitelist.
PB_Msg22 = Spyware Doctor has blocked access to a suspicious element.
PB_Msg24 = Unknown
PB_Msg32 = Disabled prompts are now enabled.
PB_Msg35 = OnGuard is inactive
PB_MsgACTAlert = Show alert window
PB_MSGACTSound = Play sound
PB_MSGACTNothing= Do nothing
PB_MsgNP = A notepad popup has been blocked.
KG_DisplayName = Keylogger Guard
KG_Author = PC Tools
KG_Desc = Keylogger Guard
KG_MsgONCE = Once per process
KG_MsgEVERY = Every time
KG_Msg35 = OnGuard is inactive
KG_MsgProcess = Process
KG_MsgTime = Time
KG_MsgTermi = Prevented %s from loading a system-wide keyboard monitor.
KG_MsgProgFiles = Program Files
KG_MsgLow = Low
KG_MsgMed = Medium
KG_MsgHigh = High
NG_DisplayName = Network Guard
NG_Author = PC Tools
NG_Desc = Network Guard
NG_MsgOGO = (OnGuard is inactive)
NG_MsgCheckNow = Check now
NG_RemovedHosts = Removed %d malicious entrie(s) from the hosts file.
NG_RemovedLSPs = Removed %d malicious entrie(s) from the LSP chain.
NG_ReplacedDNSs = %d Potential DNS hijack(s) blocked.
NG_StoppedMessenger = Disabled the Messenger service. Click OnGuard > Network Guard to disable protection
NG_RemDNS = Potential DNS hijack blocked
NG_RemLSP = Removed LSP infection
NG_RemHosts = Removed host infection
NG_RemMessenger = Disabled Messenger service
EG_DisplayName = Exploit Guard
EG_Author = PC Tools
EG_Desc = Exploit Guard
EG_MsgONCE = Once per process
EG_MsgEVERY = Every time
EG_Msg35 = OnGuard is inactive
EG_MsgProcess = Process
EG_MsgTime = Time
EG_MsgProtected = Protected %s from suspicious behavior.
PW_MsgYes = Yes
PW_MsgNo = No
PW_MsgCancel = Cancel
PW_MsgAbort = Abort
PW_MsgIgnore = Ignore
PW_MsgRetry = Retry
PW_MsgMoreInfo = Click here for more information
PW_MsgRemember = Remember this answer
PW_MsgHideAlerts= Hide alerts
NF_subs01=Subscription Alert
NF_subs02=Your Spyware Doctor subscription will expire in %d day(s).
NF_subs02a=Your Spyware Doctor subscription will expire tomorrow.
NF_subs03=To ensure continued protection against the latest spyware, adware and malware threats.\n\nPlease click below to renew now.
NF_subs04=Renew Now
NF_subs05=Renew Later
NF_exp01=Expiry Alert
NF_exp02=Your Spyware Doctor subscription has expired.
NF_exp03=You will no longer be protected against the latest spyware, adware and malware threats.\n\nPlease click below to renew now.
NF_exp04=Renew Now
NF_exp05=Renew Later
NF_ver01=New Version
NF_ver02=A new version of Spyware Doctor is available.
NF_ver03=Upgrade to the latest version of Spyware Doctor to ensure maximum protection against new threats.\n\nPlease click below for a free upgrade.
NF_ver04=Upgrade Now
NF_ver05=Upgrade Later
BHG_DisplayName = Behavior Guard
BHG_Author = Copyright (C) 2006 PC Tools
BHG_Desc = Behavior Guard
BHG_MsgSettings = Allows you to configure the properties of Behavior Guard.
BHG_MsgLog = Displays a list of events which haved occured during this session.
BHG_MsgErrFilt = Unable to set global filters.
BHG_MsgErrIpc = Unable to initialize IPC.
BHG_MsgErrHook = Unable to initialize Behavior Guard system engine.
BHG_MsgLog = LOG
BHG_MsgRegWrite = Registry write
BHG_MsgFileWrite = File openwrite
BHG_MsgFileCreate = File create
BHG_MsgFileMove = File move
BHG_MsgMkDir = Make dir
BHG_MsgDownload = Download
BHG_MsgCreateProcess = Create Process
BHG_MsgAllow = Allow this action?
BHG_MsgIgnore = Ignore this program in future.
IMG_DisplayName = IM Guard
IMG_Author = Copyright (C) 2006 PC Tools
IMG_Desc = IM Guard
IMG_Msg35 = OnGuard is inactive
IMG_MsgWindow = Details
IMG_MsgTime = Time
IMG_MsgProtected = Blocked a suspected malicious link in session: %s
IMG_MsgSays = Spyware Doctor says: \n Blocked a suspected malicious link. Please close this window.
IMG_MsgAlert = Spyware Doctor has detected links in this conversation leading to web sites that could install malicious software on your computer.\nWould you like to close this conversation window?
IMG_PROMPT_ME = Prompt me
IMG_AUTO_CLOSE = Automatically leave chat
IMG_Prompt_Skype = Link to a known malicious site detected in a message from Skype user %s. Would you like to leave the chat session now?
IMG_Skype_User_Left = Spyware Doctor has detected a link to a known malicious site in this conversation. User has been alerted and left the session.\n--------\nFor more information visit
IMG_Prompt_MSN = Link to a known malicious site detected in an MSN message: "%s". Would you like to leave the chat session now?
IMG_Skype_Mood = Protected by Spyware Doctor for Skype \n
IMG_Mood_Key =
PGG_DisplayName = Program Guard
PGG_Author = PC Tools
PGG_Desc = Program Guard
PGG_MsgONCE = Once per program
PGG_MsgEVERY = Every time
PGG_Msg35 = OnGuard is inactive
PGG_MsgProcess = Program
PGG_MsgTime = Time
PGG_MsgProtected = Reduced privileges of %s.
PGG_MsgChildProtected = You are now protected from installing potentially malicious programs through %s. To install downloaded programs, you will need to 'SAVE' it to your computer before installing.
PGG_MsgTitle = Protected By Spyware Doctor
tsSummary = Summary
lblDescription = Program Guard protects your computer by reducing the operating privileges of commonly exploited programs such as your web browser or email client.
lblTextONOFF = Program Guard is now:
lblThreats = Programs protected:
lblScams = N/A
lblStatus = Status:
lblNoti = Display notification:
lblProtect = Guard the following programs:
tsLog = Results
lblLog = List of programs which have been protected during the current session:
lblClearLog = Clear results
tsSummary = Summary
lblDescription = IM Guard protects your instant messaging conversations and blocks incoming or outgoing text referencing known bad sites.
lblTextONOFF = IM Guard is now:
lblThreats = Threats blocked:
lblScams = N/A
lblStatus = Status:
lblProtectedBy = Show protection message in client:
lblProtect = Guard the following against references to bad sites:
tsLog = Results
lblLog = List of conversations which have been protected during the current session:
lblClearLog = Clear results
lblAction = When a bad site is detected:
tsSummary = Summary
lblDescription = Behavior Guard prevents unwanted changes to your system.
lblEvents = Events captured:
lblTextONOFF = Behavior Guard is now:
hlOGO = (OnGuard is inactive)
hlSettings = System settings
hlResults = Results (event log)
lblIntell = Intelligent rules loaded:
tsSettings = Settings
gbSens = Sensitivity level
lblLow = Low
lblMed = Medium
lblHigh = High
gbWhitelist = Whitelist
hlWLAdd = Add application
hlWLDel = Remove application
tsResults = Results
hlClearLog = Clear log
lblLog = List of events for this session:
lvLog = Time,Source,Type,Details
tsFatal = Fatal Error
lblFatal = Behavior Guard has been disabled due to the following error:
lblErr = <unknown>
tsSummary = Summary
lblDescription = Exploit Guard protects programs from security flaws or vulnerabilities that may be utilized to perform malicious activities.
lblTextONOFF = Exploit Guard is now:
lblThreats = Exploits blocked:
lblScams = N/A
lblStatus = Status:
lblNoti = Display notification:
lblProtect = Guard against the following exploits:
tsLog = Results
lblLog = List of processes which have been protected during the current session:
lblClearLog = Clear results
tsSummary = Summary
lblDescription = Network Guard prevents malicious changes to your network settings.
lblHosts = Hosts file protection:
hlHostsC = (OnGuard is inactive)
hlLSPC = (OnGuard is inactive)
lblLSP = LSP protection:
lblMessenger = Restrict Messenger service:
lblDNS = DNS protection
hlMessengerC = (OnGuard is inactive)
lblWait = Please wait ...
tsResults = Results
lblResults = List of network changes prevented during the current session:
hlClear = Clear results
lvResults = Information,Time
wndNetGuard = NetworkGuard
hlCancel = Cancel
tsSummary = Summary
lblDescription = Keylogger Guard prevents malicious programs from recording your keystrokes.
lblTextONOFF = Keylogger Guard is now:
lblThreats = Infections blocked:
lblScams = N/A
lblStatus = Status:
lblNoti = Display notification:
lblWhiteList = Allow the following applications to monitor keystrokes:
hlAddApp = Add application
hlRemApp = Remove Application
tsLog = Results
lblLog = List of processes which have been blocked during the current session:
lblClearLog = Clear results
lblSense = Sensitivity
tsSummary = Summary
lblDescription = Popup Blocker prevents most unwanted popup advertisements that may appear while browsing the Internet.
lblStatus = Status:
Label1 = Enable Popup Blocker for the following browsers:
HotLabel2 = Get Additional Information
HotLabel1 = View Popup Log
cbEnablePopupBlocking = Enable Popup Blocking
lblWhitelist = Whitelisted domains (popups are accepted from these sites):
HotLabelAddDomain = Add Domain
HotLabelDelDomain = Remove Domain
lblTextPopup = Popup blocking is now:
lblText4 = Popup windows blocked:
hlChangeSettings2 = Change Popup Settings
tsPopups = Popup Settings
lblFilterLevel = Level of filtering:
hlViewPopupLog = View popup log of this session
hlShowDialogs = Show hidden dialogs
lblAction = Action to take when a popup window has been blocked:
lblWhitelist = Whitelisted domains: (popups are accepted from these sites)
HotLabelAddDomain = Add Domain
HotLabelDelDomain = Remove Domain
lblLogInfo = Popup Blocker keeps a list of popups that it has blocked. Click any of the listed addresses below to open it with your default web browser.
cbOnce = Alert once per page
cbSusEle = Alert on suspicious element or script
tsSummary = Summary
lblDescription = Site Guard prevents access to suspected malicious web sites, which may be masquerading as legitimate business or eCommerce sites, distributing spyware, or designed to steal your personal information.
lblText4 = Sites blocked:
lblTextScam = Site Guard is now:
lblScams = 7
Label1 = Enable Site Guard for the following browsers:
tsSettings = Settings
Label3 = Site Guard Settings:
cbBlockPhish = Block suspected phishing sites
cbBlockDown = Block downloads from suspicious sites
cbBlockSpy = Block access to suspected spyware sites
lblStatus = Status:
lblPrompt = Spyware Doctor has detected that you are attempting to access a site that may contain harmful content. Would you like to continue anyway?
btnYes = Yes
btnNo = No
lblStatus = Startup Guard is now:
HotLabel2 = Check for Infections
HotLabel1 = View Results
CheckBoxUnregister = Automatically check and delete problems
Label2 = Display notification:
hlChangeSettings = Change Settings
lblText1 = Auto-detection is now:
lblText2 = Last startup scan time:
lblText3 = Infections removed during last scan:
lblDescription = Startup Guard monitors and removes new malicious files which try to run automatically on your system.
lblLogCaption = Startup Guard Log:
tsSummary = Summary
tsSettings = Settings
tsResults = Results
hotlabel3 = Clear Results List
Label1 = Results list:
HotSetDef = Set to Default
chScanWindowsStartup = Scan Windows Startup Folder
chScanWindowsRegistryCurrent = Scan Windows Registry Run Sections (Current User)
chScanWindowsRegistryLocal = Scan Windows Registry Run Sections (All Users)
chScanWindowsBootFiles = Scan Windows Bootable Files (Win.ini, System.ini, Autoexec.bat)
chScanWindowsTasks = Scan Windows Shared Tasks Scheduler
cbAlertOnce = Alert once per file
lblLastScanDateTime = N/A
lblDetected = N/A
lblStatus = Status
hlImmunizeNow = Immunize Now
lblHint1 = Click to immunize against malicious ActiveX objects
hlUndoChanges = Undo Changes
lblHint2 = Click to undo the immunization changes now
CheckBoxUnregister = Automatically check and immunize your computer
lblCheckEvery = Check for new immunized objects every
lblDescription = Immunizer ensures that your computer is immunized against the latest ActiveX-based threats that may sneak into your system.
GroupBox11 = Last Scheduled Run (with current settings)
lblStatus = Status:
LabelStatus = not running
FormMainScheduler = FormMainScheduler
tsSummary = Summary
oldlblDescription = Process Guard prevents malicious programs from being run on your computer. Malicious programs are removed before they have a chance to cause damage and compromise your privacy.
lblDescription = Process Guard stops malicious programs from running before they have a chance to damage or compromise your computer. Process Guard can also detect hidden processes.
lblRootkitDetection = Detect hidden processes:
lblText4 = Processes blocked:
lblTextScam = Process Guard is now:
lblScams = N/A
lblStatus = Status:
FormMainProcessBlocker = FormMainProcessBlocker
lblNoti = Display notification:
lblWhiteList = Always allow the following applications:
hlAddApp = Add application
hlRemApp = Remove Application
tsLog = Results
lblLog = Details of actions taken during the current session:
lblClearLog = Clear results
tsSummary = Summary
lblStatus = Cookie Guard is now:
lblDescription = Cookie Guard monitors your system for new, potentially malicious cookies and removes them promptly.
actSelectedCookieToWhiteList = Add selected cookies to Domain Whitelist
actSelectDeleted = Select All
actDeselectAll = Deselect All
actInvertSelection = Invert Selection
actclearLog = Clear Log
CheckCookie1 = Check for cookies now
LaunchBrowser1 = Launch browser
lblInfo = Spyware Doctor can submit suspicious files to the PC Tools Malware Research Center for further investigation. Contributing to the Spyware Doctor Network helps ensure that your computer is always protected against the latest threats. All details received are anonymous and will not be used for purposes other than malware identification.
lblFinish1 = Completing the Malware Detective Wizard
lblFinish2 = You have successfully completed Malware Detective Wizard. A log file has been created for the PC Tools Malware Research team.
lblFinish3 = Click Next to proceed to the Technical Support form where you can specify your question and send the log file.
lblWelcome1 = Welcome to the Malware Detective Wizard.
lblWelcome2 = The Malware Detective wizard reads information from your PC and sends it to PC Tools for further analysis.
lblWelcome3 = Click Next to start data processing or Cancel to exit this Wizard.
lblWelcome4 = We then use this information in conjunction with your description of the symptoms to create new signatures to include in Spyware Doctor's reference database.
lblWelcome5 = Malware Detective should only be run if your computer is showing signs or symptoms of being infected with Malware or if our Support Team has asked you to run Malware Detective.
lblTicket11 = Ticket Section
lblTicket12 = Please specify your ticket number.
lblTicketDescr = You can specify your ticket number below. Although this is not compulsory, doing so will assist PC Tools in helping to remove malware from your computer. PC Tools will treat all personal details collected from your computer as confidential and will not send them to third parties requesting unsolicited information.
lblTicket4 = Click Next to start data processing or Cancel to exit this Wizard.
lblProgress11 = Progress Section
lblProgress12 = Please wait until the Wizard collects the required information from your computer.
lblProgress3 = To stop this operation, click Cancel.
btnBack = < Back
btnNext = Next >
btnCancel = Cancel
frmMainDetective = Malware Detective Wizard
rbScanKnownLocations = Scan only known locations
rbScanSelected = Scan selected disks and folders
hlSelectFolders = Select Disks and Folders...
cbSkipNonExecutables = Skip non-executable files
cbSkipLargeFiles = Skip files larger than
hlExclusions = Exclusion Settings...
cbSkipADS = Skip ADS
frmExclusions = Disk Scanner Options
btnAdd = Add...
btnEdit = Edit...
btnRemove = Remove
btnClearList = Clear List
stIntro = Specify items to be excluded from your Custom Scan:
btnOK = OK
btnCancel = Cancel
lblDTIntro = Please select disks and folders to be scanned by Disk Scanner.
frmDiskTree = Select Folders to Scan
btnOK = OK
btnCancel = Cancel
frmAddExclusion = Exclusions
lblExIntro = Specify a file or folder name you want to exclude from the scans. You can use wildcards, such as *.COM, to exclude files based on filename characteristics.
lblExclItem = Item to be excluded from your Custom Scan:
btnOK = OK
btnCancel = Cancel
Label1 = Scanning Internet Browsers
raScanAll = Scan All
raScanCookie = Scan Internet Cookies
raScanTemp = Scan Temporary Internet Files
chScanActive = Scan Active Content Only
chScanHistoryDis = Scan IE History
htlblDomainWhiteList = Manage Allowed Domains
SkinButtonStatus = Status
SkinButtonStartScan = Start Scan
SkinButtonOnGuard = OnGuard
SkinButtonTools = Tools
SkinButtonSettings = Settings
SkinButtonHelp = Help
SkinButtonLiveUpdate = Smart Update
SkinButtonRegister = Register
sbRegisterNow = Register
miFile = File
miScan = Scan
miTools = Tools
miView = View
miHelp = Help
miFileProgramSettings = Program Settings...
miFileLanguage = Change Language
miFileHide = Hide
miFileExit = Exit
miScanStartQuickScan = Quick Scan
miScanStartFullScan = Full Scan
miScanGotoScanPage = Go to Scan Page
miToolsDatabaseEditor = Database Editor
miToolsConfigureOnGuardTools = Configure OnGuard
miToolsConfigureSimpleTools = Run/Configure Tools
miViewView = Page
miViewQuarantineList = Quarantine
miViewIgnoreList = Ignore List
miViewLog = Log
miViewViewStatus = Status/Summary
miViewViewStartScan = Scan
miViewViewOnGuard = OnGuard
miViewViewTools = Tools
miViewViewSettings = Settings
miHelpContents = Quick Start Guide
miHelpProductHomePage = Product Page
miHelpCompanyontheWeb = Company Page
miHelpTechnicalSupport = Technical Support
miHelpLiveUpdate = Smart Update
miHelpAbout = About...
miPopupShowHide = Show/Hide
miPopupStartQuickScan = Start Quick Scan
miPopupStartFullScan = Start Full Scan
miPopupView = Page
miPopupViewStatus = Status/Summary
miPopupViewStartScan = Scan
miPopupViewOnGuard = OnGuard
miPopupViewTools = Tools
miPopupViewSettings = Settings
miPopupHelpContents = Quick Start Guide
miPopupAbout = About...
miPopupExit = Exit
miPopup2Contents = Quick Start Guide
miPopup2ProductHomePage = Product Page
miPopup2CompanyontheWeb = Company Page
miPopup2TechnicalSupport = Technical Support
miPopup2LiveUpdate = Smart Update
miPopup2About = About...
miGetSupportNow = Get Support Now
miTellFriend = Tell a Friend...
CheckBoxActivateOnGuard = Activate OnGuard
Label2 = OnGuard Categories
LabelCaption = OnGuard Protection
Label3 = OnGuard functions
Label4 = OnGuard provides real-time protection for your PC. It protects against known malicious activity and blocks attempts to compromise your system and information.
CheckBoxPopup = Display popup alert window
btnUncheckAll = Uncheck All
actCheckAll = Check All
actUncheckAll = Uncheck All
LabelCaption = Infections Found
HotLabelLog = View Log
btnFix = Fix and Continue
ButtonNext = Finish
miSelectAll = Select All
miDeselectAll = Clear Selection
miInvertSelection = Invert Selection
miCheckSelected = Check Selected
miClearSelected = Uncheck Selected
miMoveIgnore = Move Checked to Ignore List
miQuarantineChecked = Move to Quarantine and Remove
miRemoveChecked = Remove Only
miMovetoIgnoreList = Move to Ignore List
miAddCookiesWhiteList = Add Checked Cookies to Domain Whitelist
miCheckAll = Check All
miUncheckAll = Uncheck All
miViewDetails = View Details
btnCheckAll = Check All
actQuarantine = Move to Quarantine and Remove
actRemove = Remove Only
actShowDetails = Learn More About This Threat...
actHighRiskOnly = Select Elevated risk and higher
infoSelectAll = Select All
infoDeselectAll = Clear Selection
infoCopytoclipboard = Copy Description to Clipboard
lblText = To upgrade to the licensed version, please click Purchase Online or click Continue to access the free version. Registered users, please enter your registration and license details below to activate the licensed version.
lblHeaderTurnOffOnGuardProtection = OnGuard Protection is
lblHeaderStartQuickScan = Scan Computer Now
LabelCaption = Program Tools
lblTools = Tools:
ButtonRunTool = Run Tool
LabelAuthorCopyright = Author and Copyright
LabelDescription = Description
HotLabelRemoveTool = Remove Selected Tool...
htlblLiveUpdate = Check Smart Update for new tools
LabelCaption = Ignore List
ButtonClose = Back
miSelectAll = Select All
miInvertSelection = Invert Selection
miClearSelection = Clear Selection
miRemoveSelected = Remove Selected
btnRemoveSelected = Remove Selected
TabSheetGeneral = General
TabSheetLiveUpdate = Smart Update
TabSheetSystemInfo = System Information
lblRegisteredTo = Registered to:
ButtonRegister = Register Now
lblWarning = Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
lblSubscriptionStatus = Subscription status:
lblLastUpdated = Last updated:
lblTotalSignatures = Intelli-signatures:
ButtonUpdate = Smart Update
lblSystemInfo = System Information
lblDetails = Details:
lblDatabaseVersion = Database version:
lblSubscription = Checking...
lblWelcometoLiveUpdate = Welcome to Smart Update
LabelUpdate = Update status:
ButtonBack = < Back
ButtonNext = Next >
ButtonCancel = Cancel
ButtonHelp = Help
lblProblemDescription = Infection description:
gbOtherInformation = Other Information
lblToolNameInfo = Tool name:
lblProblemLocationInfo = Infection location:
lblProblemTypeInfo = Infection type:
lblProblemRiskLevelInfo = Infection risk level:
btnCopytoClipboard = Copy to Clipboard
btnClose = Close
hlMoreInformation = More Information
Label1 = Each time you click the close or minimize buttons of the main window, Spyware Doctor will be minimized to the system tray area.
Label2 = In order to exit Spyware Doctor, click the Exit button. Alternatively, you may right-click the icon in the system tray and click Exit.
cbNoShowAgain = Do not show this hint again
btnExit = Exit
btnOK = OK
lblText = Please note that the removal of certain detected items from your computer may result in you ceasing to be authorized to continue using the host programs that originally installed those items, and may result in the host program ceasing to operate. Please read the relevant license agreements for the host programs for further information. If you remove the detected items and encounter problems running the host programs please refer to the Quarantine feature.
cbDontShow = Do not show this message again
btnContinue = Continue Removal
btnDont = Do not Remove
frmIncentives2 = Register Now
btnRegisterNow = Register Now
btnContinue = Continue
lblRegisterNow = Warning!
Label3 = Your name:
Label4 = Your e-mail address (used to contact you about your query):
Label2 = Please give a brief description of the symptoms of the Malware Infection. (Please do not continue if your computer is showing no symptoms of a Malware infection)
cbSendLogs = Send log files to help us identify the problem
hlViewFirstLog = Click to view the first log
hlViewLastLog = Click to view the last log
btnSend = Send...
btnCancel = Cancel
lblWarning = Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
LabelState = Activate real-time protection and subscription updates
lblText = Please enter details below to activate OnGuard real-time protection and to receive the latest subscription updates. Your activation code is provided with Spyware Doctor.